Friday, March 19, 2010

Cry Havoc on Windows Vista / 7

Some people have contacted me or posted regarding Cry Havoc on Windows Vista and Windows 7. There has been a converter released by YoYo Games for GameMaker 6.0 on these platforms. I've tried it and it appears to work pretty well. Here's the link:

Hope this works for you guys :)


Unknown said...

just used the conversion tool from Yoyo for Win8.1 64 bit. That worked, could play the game (enjoyed it). Had not realized before that you had used gamemaker ?

Did get the following msg after starting the converted game: "failed to initialize direct music audio" [OK]

Anonymous said...

Got it working on Windows 10!
Download the converter from
Scroll down to, download, unzip, start the converter, then load the CryHavoc 1.03.exe. The file will be converted to 64bit.
Play the game!